Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 5/29

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern in the sanctuary or on Zoom. Sana DelCorazón will preach “Jesus, If You Had Been Here” from John 11:28-44.

You can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday if you need the Zoom link.


Midweek Sermon Reflection: An Honest List

Hey Beloveds,

In the spirit of Chris’ word for us this past Sunday, I have no plans on lying to you all today. So, here are some things I think The Church Universal needs to be honest about:

The function of a church is not growing its numbers on its rosters nor in its pews. Growth in numbers/membership is not necessarily the marker of a healthy congregation and, as Chris mentioned, growth in numbers is not categorically “good.”
We as The Church waste a lot of time trying to decide who is Christian and who isn’t. (I have caveats to this, but that’s for another day).
Somewhere along the line, the Church made the mistake of prioritizing worship over following, and thus made a big swing and an even bigger miss when it comes to the ministry of Jesus. We distance ourselves from Christ when we put Christ on a pedestal, even though we (hopefully) know Christ came to meet us exactly where we are at and through the Holy Spirit we are connected directly to Divinity.

So– in a time when corporations run by distinctly gluttonous and greedy men are ravaging this Earth, what are we to do? Are we going to continue to play a game of linguistic gymnastics, or bend backwards pulling stunts to put butts in seats without truly engaging those butts in the work and the struggle and joy, let alone loving those butts, or are we going to continue to assert that God’s love is not for us, and that Christ is to be set aside in a trophy box on display on our mantle as a representation of someone we could never embody, and that the Holy Spirit moves not at all?

I hope not.

Blessings on the remainder of your week,

PS – In light of the most recent mass shooting, I want to share this article about getting kids through “unspeakable horror.” While I am not a caretaker of children and I guess I’m not a child either (though that’s arguable), I have to say reading this helped me manage my own feelings. So, even if you are not a caretaker of children, I offer this article for you.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 5/22

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian Community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern in the sanctuary or on Zoom. Chris Purdom will preach “Let’s be honest” from Psalm 67, Acts 16:9-15, Revelation 21:10-22:5, and John 14:23-29.

If you need the Zoom link you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.


Mid-Week Sermon Reflection: Who Are We to Hinder God?

Hi Tab Family,

This past Sunday, Sana preached, regarding Peter’s observance of the Holy Spirit falling on Cornelius, a Gentile, saying:

“If the holy spirit is in Gentiles, then God the creator did not intend to exclude anyone from the community of God’s care. Through the power and witness of the Holy Spirit, Peter welcomes Cornelius and his tribe of Gentiles into the community of believers through baptism. The scripture for today ends with Peter stating to the Jerusalem leaders, ‘If God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to hinder God?’ This is a big deal.”

Who are we, to hinder God? This question has stuck with me all week.

While this story is a revelation to Peter regarding Peter’s preconceived notion that only a few can receive the Holy Spirit, and that the “other” cannot, I’d like to invite us all into a space where we point this question toward ourselves regarding ourselves.

In what ways do we insist we are unworthy, in what ways do we insist we are the “other” unable to receive God’s love? Who are we to say God cannot or will not love us, too?

God loves you even if God only sees the worst thing you’ve ever done. And that is often how we judge ourselves— we see the worst and we position that up against what we attribute to God’s standards. Often those standards are entirely our projection onto God, and not God’s own self. Whether from our upbringing, our societal conditioning, or from pesky intrusive thoughts, we often create a standard impossible to live up to. And then we choose the worst parts of us and we fashion them up against that impossible standard. And then, we judge.

But God sees far beyond our worst. And even if She saw only our worst, who are we to hinder Her love, to say no– that love could not possibly extend to our very worst.

What might happen if you extend God’s love to the parts of yourself you consider the worst? What would you do differently if you not only knew, but acted, like you were loved entirely?

I hope you find space to reflect on this during the end of your week.

Peace and grace to all,


Community Meal 5/21

We could use a few more volunteers this Saturday, 5/21 from 1-3 pm for the Community Meal As the weather is warmer and Covid is still with us we will be grilling outside. If you can be there for an hour (or more) for setup, grilling, serving, cleanup, or just being friendly, you’ll be doing good for people who need the food and a place to hang out for a couple of hours. Side dishes are also appreciated. Please let us know if you’d like to help.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 5/15

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern, either in the sanctuary or on Zoom. Sana DelCorazón will preach “Belonging to Jesus” from Acts 11:1-18 and John 13:34-35.

If you need the Zoom link you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.


Midweek Sermon Reflection: Holding Each Other Up

Hi Tab Family, 

As Sana said in this week’s sermon, I too have doubts as to who carries me through this world, who at times holds me up and who holds me as I rest. There are many days where I forget it’s not just me out here left to flounder around, aimless and overwhelmed, under resourced and overworked. 

Sana preached about what they do on days like that, having said:

“On those days, I lay down and feel the entire earth holding up my body. Even though my body is still the same, I feel lighter with the sensation that every part of the earth is holding every part of me, that it is not my own two feet carrying me through the world. (I want to believe.) On those days, I remember my spiritual ancestors and mentors, Mary, Rahab, Ruth, Tamar, Elizabeth, Hagar, Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman, Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, Pauli Murray, bell hooks, Bishop Flunder, Kelly Brown Douglass, Pastor Katie, and many other women, mothers, teachers, survivors, activists, saints, pastors, disciples and friends who were faithful to their call, who took on the yoke of Christ, embodied the belief that God is with us and God is for us.”

What an immense relief it is— to be held by this Earth and all our ancestors, all these saints, long past or still breathing, are here to hold us not only on our mission and through our ministry, but they are here to hold us in our rest. 

There have been moments in my life I made it through which I cannot ignore and chalk up to my own willpower. Because this “life” business— this is real stuff. It’s no joke even though sometimes, especially since the pandemic started, I feel like I’m the latest star of The Truman Show. There have been times I’ve been lifted, or more aptly— dragged, from point A to point B by my ancestors, saints, mentors, and/or the Trinity. And while I am actually starting to practice taking credit for my own resilience and sheer stubbornness, I can still point to these moments that really had nothing to do with me, but had everything to do with those who have held me. 

It’s such a relief to know I don’t need to earn this rest, this grace, this force that pulls me through. 

In this time while Pastor Katie is on sabbatical, my prayer is that she feels held by the Holy Spirit and that she is yoked to Christ as she not only rests, but reconnects to her purpose, her essence, and to her ministry. It is my prayer that we as a family at Tab not only rest as well, but that we hold each other in this in-between. 

Peace and grace be with you, fam. 

Taylor Silvestri (they/them) 

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 5/8

Please join us ON ZOOM ONLY this Sunday from 10:00 to 11:00 am Eastern for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “Wearing the Yoke of Christ”  from Genesis 2:1-4 and Matthew 11:28-30 and we will conclude with a special blessing for her upcoming sabbatical.

Please contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the Zoom link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 5/1

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community in the sanctuary or on Zoom at 10:00 am Eastern. Pastor Katie will preach “Do You Know the Power of God?” from Matthew 22:23-33 and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be served.

You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the Zoom link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 4/24

Please join us from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern for praise and prayer in Christian community, both in the sanctuary and on Zoom. Pastor Katie will preach from John 20:19-31 and there will be a Service of Baptism.

If you need the Zoom link you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.