
Midweek Sermon Reflection: The Birth and Breath of the Church

Dear Beloved Family,
Here is the end of my sermon from last Sunday. Please meditate on what resonates with you.


In the first Christian Pentecost we witness the power of the Holy Spirit and its power to cause people to speak in other tongues. We witness the miracle of multiple languages being spoken, but each person hearing others in their own language. Since there were many pilgrims in Jerusalem, of diverse nationalities and languages, the Spirit allowed every person to hear the Good News in their own language. This testifies that God’s message is inclusive.

How many of our differences could be transcended if we allowed the power of the Holy Spirit to govern in our lives? What miracles could the Holy Spirit perform in our church if we embraced it and invited it into our midst? How many hearts and minds could the Holy Spirit possibly transform, if we prayed for the Holy Spirit to have its ways in our communities?

Let me get more specific and practical. We can all access the Spirit of God. It simply requires asking and being still. From this scene in the upper room, we see that folks were gathered and praying and seeking to connect with God. They sought the spirit of God and welcomed it to govern their lives. And they were transformed by it. You know the spirit of God by the fruit of the spirit – how people live and love in the world. It’s as simple as that. To access the Spirit of God, you must recognize it’s already here with you. You must be receptive to God’s spirit and ask it to guide you. Communion with others helps us to bear witness to the spirit. For me, my spiritual practice of meditation, contemplation, prayer with others, yoga (or intentional movement )and reading scripture help me to both feel Divine presence in my life as well as allow me to sense how the Holy Spirit is guiding my life daily.

Richard Rohr writes: “Even though we so often pray, “Come, Holy Spirit,” the gift of the Spirit is already given. The Holy Spirit has already come. You all are temples of the Holy Spirit, equally, objectively, and forever! The only difference is the degree that we know it, draw upon it, and consciously believe it. All the scriptural images of the Spirit are dynamic—flowing water, descending dove, fire, and wind. If there’s never any movement, energy, excitement, deep love, service, forgiveness, or surrender, you can be pretty sure you don’t have the Spirit. If our whole lives are just going through the motions, if there’s never any deep conviction, we don’t have the Spirit. We would do well to fan into flame the gift that we already have. God does not give God’s Spirit to those of us who are worthy, because none of us are worthy. God gives God’s Spirit in this awakened way to those who want it. On this Feast of Pentecost, quite simply, want it! Rely upon it. Know that you already have it.”

A Prayer to God, the Spirit
Here’s a prayer to God the Spirit from William Loader.

O God,
You are Spirit;
You are wind;
You are breath.

You meet us in the wonders of creation,
in the awe of wonderful things,
in the terror of fearful things.
You blow among the fallen leaves,
the broken branches,
the whining pain
and the whirlwinds of delight.

Your wind gently touches our brow
with comfort and caress;
your forgiveness raises us to life;
your challenge disturbs our tidy piles
and spreads opportunities before our eyes.

Gentle Spirit, breathe on us your life.
Strong Spirit, open our closed doors to your compassion;
Universal Spirit, inspire us to sing and sigh for justice;
Spirit of Jesus, teach us to walk,
to work, to pray, to live, to love,
your way.

Awaken our dreams,
expand our visions,
heal us for hope,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
~ written by William Loader. For more of his excellent writings, see this web page.

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