Worship Notices

Sunday Worship, 1/17

Please join us Sunday morning on Zoom from 10:00 to 11:30. We are physically scattered but spiritually gathered in prayer and song to hear the Word of God for the People of God. Pastor Katie will preach from I Samuel 3:1-20. You can contact the church office before 9 am on Sunday if you need the link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 1/10

Please join us from 10:00 am to 11:30 am as we spiritually gather for praise, prayer and contemplation. Pastor Katie will preach from Psalm 121. You can email the church office before 9 am Sunday if you need the Zoom link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 1/3

On this second Sunday after Christmas and first Sunday of 2021, Ana DelCorazon will preach from Matthew 2:1-12 and Matthew 22:36-40. Please join us from 10:00 to 11:30 am as we gather spiritually on Zoom for praise, prayer, contemplation, and communion. You can contact us before 9 am on Sunday if you need the link.


Deportation Case Dropped

The deportation case against Oneita and Clive Thompson, who have been living in Sanctuary at Tabernacle has been dropped, as reported in the Inquirer, the New York Times, and USA Today.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 12/27

Gather with us spiritually for our physically scattered service, Sunday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 am on Zoom. There will be praise and prayer. Pastor Katie will preach from Psalm 148 and Luke 2:1-20. Please contact us before 9 am on Sunday if you don’t already have the link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 12/20

Pastor Katie will preach from Luke 1:26-45, 56 on this fourth Sunday in Advent: Love. Please join us from 10:00 to 11:30 am. as as we gather spiritually in praise and prayer. Contact us before 9 am on Sunday if you need the Zoom link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 12/13

Rev. Susan Teegen will preach from Exodus: 20:8, Isaiah 58:13, and Song of Songs: 1:4. Please join us on Zoom from 10:00 to 11:30 am as we contemplate, pray, and make joyful noise on this third Sunday in Advent. You can contact us any time before 9:00 am Sunday if you need the link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship, 12/6

On the Second Sunday in Advent we will pray and sing together in our virtual space. Pastor Katie will preach from Isaiah 40:1-11 and Mark 1:1-8. Please join us from 10:00 to 11:30 am on Zoom. If you need the link you can contact the church via email before 9:00 am on Sunday.

Worship Notices

First Sunday in Advent, 11/29

Where Advent Begins by Jan Richardson

Please join us for worship from 10:00 to 11:30 am on Zoom. Pastor Katie’s sermon “Putting on Hope in Advent” will be from Isaiah 11:1-9 and I Thessalonians 5:1-11. As always, there will be communal prayer, sharing, and joyful noise. You can contact us via the email link below before 9 am on Sunday if you need the link or have any questions.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 11/22

Tom Long will preach from Luke 5:1-11. We will pray, share, and make a joyful noise to the Lord. Please join us from 10:00 am to 11:30 am on Zoom. If you don’t already have the link please send us an email before 9 am Sunday. Worship will be followed by a brief congregational meeting to elect a new class of council members for 2021.