Please join us in person (or on Zoom) for praise, prayer, and Holy Communion in Christian community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern. Pastor Katie will preach “Making it Beautiful” from Genesis 17:15-22 and Luke 1:39-45.
The annual meeting will follow on Zoom at 1 pm.
You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the Zoom link.
Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern in person at 3700 Chestnut, or on Zoom. Pastor Katie will preach “The God Who Sees” from Luke 1:26-38 and Genesis 16:7-13.
If you need the Zoom link you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.
Please join us from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern for praise and prayer in Christian Community at 3700 Chestnut or on Zoom. Pastor Katie will preach “The Awful Truth About Love” from John 18:33-37 & Mark 8:27-35.
If you need the Zoom link please contact us before 9 am Sunday.
Please join us from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern in person or on Zoom for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “On Time Departures” from Isaiah 55:1-13, Matthew 6:5-8, and Mark 1:35.
If you are joining us on Zoom and need the link you can contact the church office before 9 am on Sunday.
Please join us from 10 am to 11 am Eastern in person or on Zoom for praise and prayer in Christian community. Rev. Lynn Lampman will preach “Making It Right” from Luke 19:1-10, and we will partake in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
If you are joining us online and need the link you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.
Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian Community both on Zoom AND IN PERSON from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern. This will be our first service in the sanctuary since the start of the pandemic. Pastor Katie will preach “Unbind Him” from Isaiah 25:6-9 and John 11:32-44. This Sunday will include a Ritual of Remembrance for All Saints Day. We will remember by name beloved ones who have died. You will be invited to write down any names of loved ones on a prayer card to be read aloud during the service. If you’re joining on Zoom, you will be able to share names via the chat. You can contact us before 9 am Sunday for the Zoom link. Please also see the Pandemic Protocols for in-person worship
Please join us in Christian Community on Zoom for praise and prayer from 9 am to 10:30 am Eastern. Pastor Katie will preach “Stepping into Accountability” from Psalm 32, James 5:16, and John 20:23.
You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the link, and remember we will be opening up the sanctuary for combined in-person and Zoom worship starting next Sunday, October 31 as described here:
I’m excited to share the news with you that we will be gathering again for in-person worship at Tab starting October 31st, 2021.
After 19 months of virtual worship, this is a long-awaited big step for us! Can somebody say amen?
The Transition team met this past week and we made this decision for a variety of reasons including: We are a highly vaccinated congregation, and we are able to take many steps to mitigate the risk of spreading Covid. We have a plan in place for socially distanced seating in the sanctuary, and we are making changes to our worship services so that we can abide by our community safety agreements (detailed here).
We also realized that waiting for case counts to be at 10 cases or less per 100, 000 would likely not be attainable any time soon. And we felt that it was time to take this step especially since we are already doing these kinds of communal activities in other areas of our lives (work, school, etc).
More information will be coming to you soon, including a welcome video outlining community guidelines that the staff is creating to put on our website and social media. You can watch and share that video and invite friends to worship with us!
And please know that it is okay if you do not feel ready –or can’t for whatever reason– join us in person. We will continue to offer the opportunity to worship via zoom (same link as always). It will not be the same, I know, but it will still be an important way of connecting with our Creator and with the Tab community.
We ask for your patience and grace as we move into this next phase of our community life together. We are working this out as we go. I’m so grateful to be in this transition time with each of you.
Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community on Zoom from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Eastern. Pastor Katie will preach “Log Removal Service Near Me” from Psalm 51:15-17 and Matthew 7:1-14.
You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the link.
Please join us from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Eastern for praise and prayer in Christian community on Zoom. Donald Wargo will preach “Surrendering to God’s Will” from Isaiah 55:1-3a and Matthew 7:7-8.
If you need the link, please contact us before 9 am Sunday.