
Midweek Sermon Reflection 1/26/2022

Dear Tab family,

No one loved Pastor Katie’s soccer team metaphor more than my spouse Gina, who is currently obsessed with US women’s soccer (and college women’s basketball). For some of us who aren’t on team sports, we have the opportunity and privilege to practice the skills of being on a team at Tab. This past Sunday Pastor Katie said this,

 “Church is a training field where we as teammates come to practice the gospel. And the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, is about embodied love and justice and liberation…The goal of being the church is not perfection, the goal is not to fully embody the kingdom of God, because we can never do that fully until Christ comes again in glory! The goal is to show up for practice. You’re not expected to get it all right in church, in fact mistakes are welcomed here, because we’re encouraged to be brave enough to try out new loving practices that are part of this gospel game…. There is no church without a team.

I like the idea of church being a school for love, a place where love is practiced and taught. Living through a pandemic, we have learned that church isn’t the building; we are the church and it is through our practice of love in the playing field that we act like the church. As we show up to practice, to think, speak and act in the ways of God, when we get on the field together, knowing that we are flawed and mistakes are welcomed, we can learn from and about each other and develop trust, because we know we are playing the same game – the practice of love and justice.

This is an invitation for you to become a minister of the gospel. As Pastor Katie preached, “When we become a part of a church we are becoming a part of a team, we are choosing to leave our small world and our small family, to join with a larger family. You are joining a team that you would never dream of handpicking. It’s a team that is formed in Jesus. That’s the church, a team that is formed in the life and ministry of Jesus. There is never a day when you are not wanted to play on that team. In the family of Jesus, there are no paid professionals to carry out the ministry of the gospel. There are only people who show up for practice.”

As the leader of the newly renamed “Welcome and Engagement” Team, our hope and prayer is that you choose to become a part of Jesus’ team and show up to practice in our school of love,  and that we as the church continue to increase opportunities for connection, engagement and service to one another and to the broader community. 

Reflection Questions

  • How are you embodying your faith in the playing field?
  • There is no part of our life that we aren’t asked to step into ministry. Where are you being asked by God to step into ministry?
  • How can you be a part of our school of love? What gifts can you practice with us in community?

Please feel free to email me at with your reflections. I would love to hear from you.

Sana DelCorazón

UTS Seminary Student & Member of Tabernacle United

“Let’s stop talking about it and do a little doing, with love.” Taylor Silvestri

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 1/23

Please join us on Zoom for praise and prayer in Christian Community from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Eastern. Pastor Katie will preach “You Think You Are a Minister?” from Luke 22:24-27 and Mark 1:29-31.

You can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday if you need the link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 1/16

Please join us on Zoom for praise and prayer in Christian Community from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Eastern. Rev. Dick Fernandez will preach “Who Was This Man King?” from  Amos 5:21-24 and Romans 12:1-3.

You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 1/9

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian Community on Zoom from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Eastern. Pastor Katie will preach “I’m still learning” from Psalm 36: 5-10 and  Luke 2:41-51.

We are back on Zoom through February 13. You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the link.

News Worship Notices

Zoom Only Through 2/13

We are returning to Zoom only Sunday services through February 13. We will provide 2 weeks notice of any change in plan.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 1/2

Please join us on Zoom (only) for praise and prayer in Christian Community at 10 am Eastern. Sana DelCorazón will preach  “Wisdom: She speaks (and other resolutions)”. We will be on Zoom only this week and next. If you need the link you can contact us before 9 am Sunday.

Uncategorized Worship Notices

Christmas Eve and Sunday, December 25

Please join us live or livestream on our Facebook page at 6 pm Eastern on Friday, December 24, and on Zoom at 10 am Eastern on Sunday, December 26. The texts for Christmas Eve are Isaiah 66:10-13 & Psalm 68:4-11. The texts for December 26 are Titus 3:4-7 & Matthew 1:18-25.

News Website Updates Worship Notices

COVID-related Changes

On Christmas Eve we will be worshiping in-person with livestream on Facebook. On Sunday, December 26, Sunday January 2 and Sunday, January 9 we will be Zoom only with no services at the church. Further notice on Sunday services will be announced before January 17. The Covid Protocol page has been temporarily updated with this same notice.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 12/19

Please join us live (or on Zoom) for praise and prayer in Christian community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern. Rev. Will O’Brien will preach “The Virgin Birth as a Call to Justice and Shalom” from Samuel 2:1-10 and Matthew 1:18-25.

If you need the Zoom link you can contact us before 9 am Sunday.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 12/12

Please join us in person (or on Zoom) from 10 am to 11 am Eastern for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “Shout out, don’t hold back!” from Judges 13:2-7 and Luke 1:46-56.

If you need the Zoom link you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.