
Midweek Sermon Reflection – Buy This, Not That

Hi Tab Family, 

This week, Sana preached:”Whether we like it or not, neoliberal capitalist ideology like white supremacy culture is the air we breathe. It determines our thoughts and the very act of thinking otherwise becomes more difficult without a counter narrative and disruptive beliefs that challenge the status quo – or the capitalist empire’s power and narrative. I know of such a narrative. 

It is the liberating message of Jesus. The good news of the gospel. Jesus shared with us, through his life, the truth that God is always with us when God chose to be made flesh. Through the incarnation, we are reminded that we are connected to God and that we are never alone. Moreover, our lives are not defined by our productivity or how the market values our worth. We know that in God and through Jesus we are worthy and loved. But this love that is given to us by grace requires much of us. The love and freedom given by God is meant to worship God by serving others. Accordingly it’s a love that finds its fullness in taking responsibility for justice and disrupting systems of oppression. Here is where Peloton and other forms of corporate spirituality fall short of the glory of God. Peloton and other corporate spiritual organizations aren’t trying to remake the world or dismantle unjust systems. Like Audre Lourde stated, the master’s tool will never dismantle the master’s house.” 

It’s not easy to find a sustainable source of worth in a world that, as Sana mentioned, is dead-set on selling you products to “help” you cultivate that worth. And since we live under global capitalism, those products are actually designed and produced to break and to be ineffective, so that you’ll return and buy it again. And again. And again. I could go on forever about anti-aging skin care products that instead of buying, you might as well just put your money in a paper shredder. Y’all do not want me to start about the diet industrial complex and pseudoscientific wellness— I’m confident I’ll preach on that myself sometime in the future, so, stay tuned.

At the end of the day, in a global capitalist hellscape, the rush you get after purchasing a product that promises wholeness and worth will quickly turn to dust and you’ll feel emptier than you did before you bought it because you are emptier. Well, at least your bank account is emptier. 

But as Sana said— we have offered to us a counter narrative to this and that is the liberating message of the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The message that God is with us and love is for us. The message that we all receive grace regardless of our deservedness or worthiness. 

What a relief. 

If you want to go deeper into the book Sana referenced this Sunday, take a look here!

Blessings on the end of your week,


Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 8/14

Please join us at 10 am Eastern in our air conditioned community room or on Zoom for praise and prayer in Christian community. Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart will preach “The Prayers of Both Cannot be Answered”  from Luke 12:49-56. A pancake breakfast will follow the service for those who attend in person.

You can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday if you need the Zoom link.


Mid-week Sermon Reflection — Embodiments of Love

Hi Tab Family,

This past Sunday, Sana preached:

“Practicing and embodying this love-centric Christianity will change how we see and engage with the rest of the world. We will come to expect to see this love-spirit in everything – not just in our churches or in our practice of religion, but in society at large, in work, in school, in family, and in all aspects of human existence. Our role, then, will be to continuously and intentionally offer our lives and ourselves as dynamic embodiments of Christ-like love in the world. In the brief time we spend on earth, we must use it to fill and overflow with love, joining together to create an ever-expanding tide of radical, transformative love.”

This has been my affirmation all week. I’ve written it out on paper each day to help it really sink in. And I have a LOT of questions for myself:

-How exactly am I going to change the way I engage with the world?
-How exactly am I going to be an embodiment of this love?
-What am I going to have to de-prioritize so that I can even be capable of offering myself up to be an agent of this love?
-Is this something I really want to do?
-Can I trust that if I do this, I won’t be alone in my efforts?

Then I come back down to earth and ground myself in this community we are creating at Tab. I feel like I can trust that I won’t actually be alone in my efforts. In fact I’m really excited to move closer to Tab at the end of this month, so I can be in greater community with Tab’s neighbors at our Community Meals, and pass peace with you all face to face.

Peace upon the end of your week,

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 8/7

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community on Zoom or in our air conditioned community room from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern. Sana DelCorazón will preach “Becoming the Body of Christ, Selling Christianity” from Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Psalm 34:1-8, and Ephesians 4: 1-24.

You can contact us any time before 9:00 am Sunday if you need the link.


Mid-week Sermon Reflection – Let’s Wrestle!

Hi Tab Family, 

This week Sana challenged us to wrestle with the complexities of the Bible, and I really love the places it took me internally. 

Oftentimes, certainty is what I crave, and as someone who is constantly making and refining plans, I feel like I’m in a place now where I’d like to let that go a little — if not a lot. The pandemic has certainly thwarted many of our plans for these past couple years, but in thinking of my own trajectory, I’m realizing that the uncertainty actually was the biggest motivator to finally start answering my call to ministry, in the formal sense. After spending the first few years of my adult life constantly making plans and revising them, only to lead me to closed doors, I was finally in a space where I no longer craved certainty, because it simply was no longer sustainable. 

And as it turns out — uncertainty is sort of liberating, at least for me! In the context of the Bible being a complex, uncertain, unclear, living text, this uncertainty is also liberating. So why not take the pressure off? Why try to find The Answer when we can see there are actually Many Answers and sometimes no answers? 

How would your life change if you let go of certainty, and clarity, and instead basked in the liberation of the mystery? Is there anything you’d do differently? 

Blessings on the end of your week,


Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 7/31

Please join us in our air-conditioned community room or on Facebook Live for praise and prayer in Christian community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern. Sana DelCorazón will preach “Church as An Academy of Love” from 1 Corinthians 13, 1 Peter 1:22-25, and 1 Peter 4:7-11.

If you need the Facebook link please contract us before 9 am on Sunday. It should also be linked from our Facebook page.


Mid-week Sermon Reflection— Giving Yourself a Break

Hi Tab Family, 

Our message from Sunday really hits home with me, and I’ve gone into this week with more compassion for myself than typical because of it. This is lifelong work for many of us— not only to treat others with love and respect, but to extend that to ourselves, too. 

On a week that is unbearably hot, I’ve let myself do largely nothing. I’ve taken many naps, and drank lots of water. This is the best way with my chronic conditions I can take care of myself amidst the heat. Our message from Sunday has given me the support I need to do this without guilt or shame. 

So I’m curious — what are ways you have been (or aspire to) cut yourself some slack? How do you extend God’s love and grace toward yourself? Are there any songs, poems, or mantras (or even people!) who help you do this? I’d love to know. 

Blessings on the end of your week,

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 7/24

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community from 10 am to 11 am Eastern, either in our air-conditioned community room or on our Facebook live stream. Sana DelCorazón will preach “What We Don’t Talk About at Church (Sex and Other Things)” from Ruth 3:1-13 and Song of Songs 7:11-12.

You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the Facebook link.


Mid-week Sermon Reflection— Our Sacred Stories

Hi Tab Family! 

As I’ve sat with the sermon this week, I’ve been thinking about one of the first identities God gave me that I grew consciously aware of— that is, the identity of a poet and a story teller. 

And lucky me— I come from a religious tradition comprised largely of poems and stories. And in light of Sana’s sermon, I’ve sat in quiet gratitude of my reverence for poems and stories, and how at the end of the day— I don’t think I’d lose any faith, or change any way I went about life, or shift any of my theology, if all this is “only” poems and stories. 

The story found in the Gospels is the story that most intrigues/comforts/discomforts/confuses/reassures/inspires/befuddles me more than any other story. And so I keep going back to it. 

The power of an honest story that points toward Truth (not the same thing as fact) is a power I’ve believed in since before I had any ideas about who God is or why we are all here or how we can best be here together.

What about you? What stories bring your conscious awareness towards God’s presence? Gospel stories or otherwise— I’d love to know!

I’m glad to be sharing in the exploration of our sacred stories with you all, and I hope you have a peaceful end to your week. 


Sermon Transcriptions

Sermon from 7/17/2022 – “Seen, Soothed and Safe”

Job 2:11-3:1

Luke 8:42b-48

“Seen, Soothed and Safe”

by The Rev. Lynn P. Lampman

She was a good athlete and then she couldn’t even walk around the block. She would go out with friends for dinner, and she could see their mouths moving, but she couldn’t really follow the conversation, much less respond.  Every morning, her body was stiff, and it was hard to move around, the 37-year-old felt like she was 100. At church, when it came time for the person next to her to hold her hand in the prayer circle, she prayed they wouldn’t hold on too tight because even the soft tissues of her body hurt that day, along with the joints and muscles.  

I am she.  

27 years ago, I was diagnosed with the neurological disorder – fibromyalgia.  Over the years another chronic illness has been diagnosed which is causing degenerative disease throughout my spine, and bone spurs in my wrist, shoulder, feet, and back.  Who knows where else.  That is just the list we currently know of. 

 I am not alone.  133 million Americans deal with chronic illness.

Several years ago, every member of my nuclear family got cancer, except me – my mother, father, and brother – within 18 months of each other.  Each went through surgery and treatment.  It was hard, each tried to help each other out and I tried to help them all.  

Each of us has known, currently knows 

or will know people with a terminal illness.

I believe that good preaching must be relevant and must be practical.  Chronic and terminal illness is relevant to all our lives.  Yet, I have never heard it addressed in a sermon, nor ever been given practical ideas by the Church on how I can deal with and respond to it.  Which leads me to today’s sermon which I have been thinking about for the nearly three decades. Better be good, right, if I spent so much time thinking about it.  Expectations are now high.  I might have set myself up.  Oh well, here goes.

Let’s start with illnesses, I like some of you had been given some very strong messages both by our culture and the Church about who gets sick and why, and what things one says and does when people are sick.  So, for a bit this morning, I would like to recognize what we have seen and heard regarding people being ill and unpack how a lot of that has not been helpful and sometimes even hurtful for people who are chronically or terminally ill.  And then, I would like to bring it all home with how, as individuals and as a community, might do better than our culture and some teachings of the Church when it comes to people who are chronically and terminally ill.

What does it feel like to be in chronic pain and feel sick most of time, if not all the time?  First, there is the social awkwardness of being asked over-and- over again, over a long period of time, “How do you feel?”  For most of us with chronic or terminal illnesses the best we can offer you is “same” or “worse” than last time you asked.  Thus, if truth be told, sometimes I change the subject without answering, or say “Ok” when that isn’t the truth. Let me propose a better question “how have things been?” Is a good place to start. If it is someone who you are close to you might even ask about their ups and downs of late.  Part of the reason that works better is that most chronic or terminal illnesses are a package deal with companion illnesses and symptoms who like to come along for the ride, which means their impact on daily life can be huge.  In other words, you don’t just have pain, you may have digestive issues, brain fog, balance trouble, limbs that weak or not fully functioning, swallowing issues… and the list can go on.  These questions are better because they can help those who are ill get at the breadth and depth of their current reality and feelings, rather than a one-or-two-word answer, which doesn’t move us any further into seeing the other person or connecting with what is really going on with them.

Next thing, we can tend to give unsolicited advice.  People mean well, but for the person who is ill for the long haul or exhausted dealing with the medical community who can’t agree, whether you’re really sick or how you got it or what treatment is best, or dealing having to deal with a change in treatment which has made you further sick.

Listening to “my cousin had this and this is what she did”,“or  I used this and it really worked” or I read an article on the internet… Trying not to be rude, in response can be exhausting, on a bad day you just want to shout, “I didn’t ask for advice”.  On a good day, you just realize this person is not among those who will be helpful to you.  Move on…

Which leads me to our first scripture text for today – Job, good, old Job.

Here’s the brief introduction as a reminder or if you haven’t read about him yet.   Chapter 1 begins with Job’s piety and life of bliss, then, Job gets sick and then nearly every part of his life falls apart, Job’s three friends come from far and wide to comfort him.  They travel to see him, and even from a distance they didn’t recognize him because he looked so bad.  Then, they sat with their friend Job for seven days and seven nights, not speaking a word to him, for they saw that he was in excruciating pain. Then, Job finally speaks up and the first thing that comes out of his mouth was he cursed the day he was born.

Let’s deal with that “oh my” scene for just a moment.  The good thing his friends did is offer their presence – just be with him.  Then, they listened, just listened.  Please never underestimate the healing power of presence and being listened to by someone who cares.  People who are chronically and terminally ill usually have a short list of those who will listen to them for any length of time.  And sometimes, we need a length of time to adequately share all that is going on inside and even outside of us.  Sometimes we need time to work up the courage to speak all we are feeling and going through and that takes time.  Sometimes there is so much going on, we don’t even begin sharing because we know it won’t be more than a 2-minute check in or a 3-line text.  Let’s commit to being better listeners.  Let’s deal with the emotions that comes up for us when someone shares a really difficult thing and all we want to do is run.  Let us not be so busy that we can’t take the time to hear what life is really like for those with long haul, life draining illnesses.  Let us deal with our discomfort when we are with ill folx who are feeling anger, despair, grief, frustration, and sadness.  

Along the lines of letting people feel what they feel, let me just say a word about toxic positivity.  It sounds like “You won’t need surgery, even though you know you will or “You’re miracle is coming.” First, it’s not helpful.  Second, it is negating.  Third, it is not soothing.  It is as if the person has sent you a flashing billboard which says, “Don’t see you.”  Ouch.  Let’s face it, we all want and need to be seen, soothed, and safe.  At the end of our reading, we hear Job wishing he had never been born.  I get that and even have heard myself says something close to that when my pain level is at a 10. Positivity is toxic in times such as these. 

Back to Job’s friends. It is clear from the story, that it would have been good if Job’s three friends stuck with presence and listening, but they don’t.  It just seems that can’t help themselves.  They begin giving answers to the “why” of his disastrous life, in essence, Job brought this on yourself.  I have had people say to me, my illnesses are an outward manifestation of something very wrong with my inner life.  New Age opinion – not helpful and not true.  

Job’s “friends” go on to say, he must be a bad person, which is a version of, otherwise you deserved it.  Job was a righteous man according to scripture and bad things happened to him.  Bad things happen to good people according to scripture and the rain (the good stuff) happens to people who are “good” and those who “bad” according to Matthew 5:45. 

Some of us have been influenced by the “Prosperity Gospel” popular in some Christian churches and among most TV and radio evangelists and popular among Christian conference leaders and we don’t even know we’ve been snagged by the message, God blesses those who are obedient, and God punishes those who are disobedient. Is the tag line of such thinking. Just because they say it, doesn’t mean it is true.  While in seminary in the early to mid 80’s, I had a routine every Sunday night.  I would turn on the TV to one of the leading evangelists and counter what they were saying with Biblical truth.  I sometimes would hear myself say aloud, “if you’re going to hold that big floppy Bible, preach from it.”  Some of what we have heard and may continue to hear, is not Biblical.  That’s the truth of it.

In the Gospels we find stories of Jesus’s healing ministry, including the commissioning of the apostles to continue that ministry, which we see them do in the book of Acts.  

First, God does not heal you in any way contingent on the amount of faith you have.  That would mean you could earn your healing which is not consistent with the message of the Gospel. 

Second, in these stories handed down to us, Jesus heals more than the body. Jesus’s healing ministry involved holistic transformation: socially, relationally, and spiritually, including how people see them.  When healed, people are then integrated into community.  

Caring for people’s bodies mattered to Jesus, that’s true.  Yet, it is important to note the common thread in Jesus’s healing ministry is that the person left the encounter feeling good about what took place.  A bodily cure is something some of us will never receive.  The goal of Jesus’s healing ministry allowed people to have deeper integration into community, a growing connection to Jesus and a meaningful life path.  

What would it mean, if we as individuals and as a community that follows Jesus, shift our focus off a cure and onto healing.  What would it mean to make space for this kind of healing?

Let me just say, a word here, to those who find themselves in the same boat with me.  Please don’t let the people who act like Job’s wife who said, “Curse God and die.” convince you to give up on God.. I encourage you when others tell you to or you feel like giving up on God, be like Job, don’t.  

Even when you don’t get the cure, Jesus can provide healing.  Like the woman who came to Jesus with an issue of blood for 12 years, that separated her from community.  The text tells us, Jesus saw her, even amidst the smothering crowds.  And for her, like me, and maybe like you, you need to touch Jesus to be healed.  Long distance doesn’t work, pretending I don’t need Jesus doesn’t work, and cutting him off doesn’t decrease my interior and exterior pain, it just adds to it.

There is much more to say about healing, and chronic and terminal illnesses and more things I can say after 27 years of thought.  Yet, I must finish for now before this sermon length is 27 years.

Let me end for now, by offering to you a thank you for the opportunity to be seen.  Thank you for making the last 17 minutes safe through your listening, and I look forward to joining with you in providing others the third final thing we all need – soothing.  May God help us do just that!  Amen and Amen.