Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 10/16

Please join us live in the sanctuary at 10 am Eastern for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “Fear of a the World” from Genesis 18: 1-15 and Mary Oliver’s poem “Invitation”.

The service will be live-streamed on YouTube. If you need the link you can contact us before 9 am Sunday.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 10/9

Please join us at 10 am for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “Fear of a Meaningless Life” from I Corinthians 12:4-13 and Luke 12:22-34.

The service will be live streamed on YouTube. You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 10/2

Please join us in the sanctuary at 10:00 am for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “Fear of Being Alone” from Psalm 139:1-18. For World Communion Sunday we will celebrate our interconnectedness to God and to our neighbors by sharing a variety of breads from traditions around the world .

If you need the link for the YouTube Live Stream you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 9/25

Please join us in the sanctuary at 10 am for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “This Powerful Thing We Cannot See” from Matthew 14:22-33.

If you need the YouTube live-stream link you can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday.


Midweek Sermon Reflection — A Blessing of Need

Hi Tab Family,

This past Sunday, Pastor Katie quoted one of the brothers she met at the Holy Cross Abbey in Kilkeel, Northern Ireland this summer. Upon starting up the abbey, the brother said:

“We had to ask for everything! And this was the greatest
blessing of all: to not have money and to be in need! You know, self-reliance is not a Christian virtue.”

Pastor Katie went on to bring our attention to just how present loneliness has been, especially over the last three years, and highlighted some writing and research on the phenomenon.

What a blessing to be in need. What a blessing to be lonely. What a blessing to avoid having to be The End-All-Be-All of your own life, to avoid having to know it all, do everything right, constantly think twelve steps ahead, anticipate everything, be everything to everyone– including yourself. What a blessing to need other people.

It was a blessing to be lonely back in Spring 2021, when I found Tabernacle United Church listed in the More Light Presbyterians (MLP) directory of open and affirming churches. At that time, all I knew is I needed a home church closer to where I hoped to be going to seminary, because I knew I wouldn’t make it through seminary without one. I knew I needed a church already affiliated with More Light Presbyterians because I didn’t want to be The Person coaxing a whole congregation along further into the kin’dom of God, to a place of queer and trans affirmation.

And there y’all were, Tab. I didn’t know how much I needed this community both as a whole, but also specifically, down to each person. What a blessing to be in need. What a blessing to know also, that you’re needed.

My hope for all of us as the week continues is to revel in the ways in which we need one another. I hope you feel in need and needed. I hope we can run after each other across patches of great green clover, and find one another.

Blessings on the rest of your week,

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 9/18

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian Community at 10 am. This Sunday’s service will be lead by the Environmental Action Team, preaching “Big/Small Actions” from Psalm 65:5-13 and Psalm 24:1.

In addition to in-person worship the service will be streamed live on our YouTube channel. You can can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 9/11

Please join us in person or live-streamed on YouTube at 10 am Eastern for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “It’s All For Joy” from Psalm 96 and Luke 15:1-10.

You can contact us any time before 9 am Sunday if you need the YouTube link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 9/4

Please join us this for praise and prayer in Christian community at 10:00 am Eastern in our air-conditioned community room or on Zoom. Pastor Katie will preach from Luke 14:16-24. Communion will be served.

You can contact us before 9 am Sunday if you need the Zoom link.

Worship Notices

Sunday Worship 8/29

Please join us downstairs in the air-conditioning at 10 am for praise and prayer in Christian community. Pastor Katie will preach “No Strings Attached” from Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 and Luke 14:1, 7-14.


Sunday Worship 8/21

Please join us for praise and prayer in Christian community at 10 am Eastern in our air-conditioned community room. Pastor Katie will preach “”Not One More Day”  from “Deuteronomy 5:12-15 and Luke 13:10-17”.