As individuals we come from a wide range of religious backgrounds, beliefs, and interpretations of the Christian tradition.
As part of the larger body of Christ we belong to both the United Church of Christ and the Presbyterian Church (USA), two mainline Protestant denominations with roots in the Reformation. The Presbyterian Church (USA) web site summarizes the core tenants of the Reformation as “sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, justification by grace through faith and the priesthood of all believers, ” while the United Church of Christ proclaims “God is still speaking.” Tabernacle thrives in the creative tension of the denominations’ different approaches to theology, Christology, Biblical interpretation, and governance.
We are all seeking. Those of us who grew up in the church. Those of us who have never sung a hymn or heard a sermon. We want to know more about God and our life in this world. You will find many folks at Tabernacle eager to engage in the questions you may have.
You are invited to be part of our worship and community no matter where you are on your faith journey. Maybe you grew up in the church and moved away. Maybe you’ve never explored faith before. Maybe you have big questions about faith, God and Christianity. We are engaged in this work of exploring together. No one has all the answers. We are glad to be on this journey with you.